Monday, April 16, 2012

the start of a new week

It was payday weekend on base today and I work at the Commissary, so of course it was a terrible weekend. Saturday was "lets all be rude day". I was just so run down after that day, I almost had a break down. It was so hard for me to go back Sunday, but I made it and it was a much better day.

I am so thankful for my day off today. I went swimming with my friend first thing this morning. Jumping into the water made everything stressful float away. I am a terrible swimmer. I want to get better and each time I go I can do one lap extra.

I am going to make this week a much better week. And that starts with a haircut! I am so nervous and yet so excited. Yay!

Each Monday I make a list of things I want to accomplish through the week. Just some mini goals that help me stay productive and get things done. Then at the end of the week when I look back at it I have a better feeling of how it went, since eighty percent of my week is spent at work. 

001. Push Up Challenge week ONE
I found this challenge on Pintrest... where else 
I have never been able to do a push up for the life of me until a few weeks ago. I can finally do 12 ... but why stop at twelve i want to do a hundred!! Maybe i can beat my husband :]

002. Get a Hair cut! 
My hair is long, dead and heavy.

003. Get my car Henry back on the road again.
Once again this year my car has failed its MOT test. (a UK test on the car to make sure its safe for driving) I had to get a new headlight and a new wheel bearing.

004. Clean out my fridge and any bad food.
I have all sorts of bad junk and expired food that i need to clean out. Once my car gets back on the road i have to do a big grocery shop and id love to get some new healthy recipes.

005. Healthier Eating
I want to at least find two new healthier recipes or food to eat. Id really like to find snack alternatives because I have a bad habit of needed to snack while I watch TV.

006. Take Hiro (Mr. Fluffington) on more walks

Hes not the best dog to take on walks. He just gets to excited and wants to check everything out. So he pulls a lot. He gets better after walking for a bit but id love for him to walk nicely from the start.

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