Monday, April 30, 2012

It's cardio all week baby!!

Haha! When I was getting dressed this morning Ryan asked if I was going to the gym. I turned to him and say "It's cardio all week baby!!". We looked at each other for a second and then started cracking up! I guess I was excited!

Here's today's fitness update

Monday April 30, 2012
Got to sleep in a bit today! 730 instead of 545. Made Ryan and I a healthy breakfast. Then went to the gym. Today I ran a mile, walked uphill for another mile, then ran a half mile! I burned 301 calories today!!! I already reached one of my weekly goals! AWESOME! I feel great since I started my week out this way. LETS KEEP IT UP! I'm excited!

Check out my fitness page to see the progress I have made so far. 

Monday List

Last week wasn't to bad. Friday and Saturday was terrible. Did my 10 hour shifts and came home to cry because it felt like I was walking on the bones of my feet. I managed to make it through the week with only have two red bulls (and I only drank half of each-- mainly because I forgot I opened them). I didn't get to my mile and a half run last week. But I did manage to Run a mile, walk a mile uphill, then run half a mile today. It may not have been together but that is big for me. I am proud of myself.

So I am not too happy with how last week went. I want this week to go much better.

001. Run 1.5 miles
If I can run the 1.5 miles with a break in the middle, I think I can get there by next week. I will shorten my walk time each time I try.

002. Budget
I want to plan out a budget for the month of May. We both get payed this week. So it'd be nice to put all Ryan's to savings like usual, then put a good chunk of mine to saving too. 

003. Eat healthy all week
I didn't eat good during my two days of hell last week. 

004. Find a healthier comfort food/meal 
When I have a bad day I tend to turn to junk food. Its really bad how much better I feel after eating it. NO MORE! 

005. Read two books this month
I love to read. But I haven't been reading much lately. Its been taking way to long to finish my Steven King book.

006. Start saying NO
I yes people to death. I end up doing things I don't want to do. I didn't want to work two 10 hour shifts but I said yes because I didn't want to say no.

007. Burn 300 CALs each gym trip
A small goal but reachable!

008. Keep the house tidy all week
No more trashing the house and then spending and entire day cleaning it. I want to just keep it clean and then enjoy my days off with just a few chores.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fridays Letters

Dear Friday, your not actually Friday.... your Monday. The past two days were my weekend. Back to work I go. Dear RAF Lakenheath Commissary, I no longer want to work for you. Your customers are ridiculous, and now that you have all new planagrams the customers are going to ask us where everything is now. You may pay very well, but your are running me down. Dear six day work week, WHY! I can hardly make it five days. And to make it even better, today and tomorrow I have 10 hour shifts. Why did I agree to this? OH right comp time. Dear job, I need to stop complaining about you. I am very thankful for having a job because we really need to save to move home. Oh and you pay oh so well. Dear Me, keep up the hard work. If you keep going to the gym and eating right you'll be happier and look good.

Dear Hiro, I love your fluffiness.You know how to give kisses and do cuddles. I love that every night after you have your dinner you grab your rope and want to play fetch. Dear Ryan, I am sorry that you are working 12 hours all week and weekend. So I made you your favorite, banana bread. Dear weekends, I miss you. I get an actual weekend every 5 to 8 weeks. I miss spending time with my husband. We never get to go places anymore. Or spend more than a few hours together during the week because our schedule's are opposite each other. Dear week, please go by fast.



Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fitness Update

Today I ran a mile and walked a mile uphill. I also did a butt work out at home. I followed along with a you tube video by Blogilates. I love her videos!! Last time I did this video I was sore for days. Give it a try!!!

I had a good breakfast this morning. Egg beaters with cheese, apple slices (sliced so I can eat around the skin (that parts what im allergic to), greek yogurt (ate half) and orange juice. 424 CAL total. YUM

I use myfitnesspal to keep track of what I eat through out the day. I have the app on my ipad and can scan the bar codes of whatever I am eating. I can also add in what ive done for exercise. I have it set up to lose 2 pounds a week and it gave me 1200 CAL to eat in a day.

Check out my fitness page to see the progress I have made so far. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gym Motivation

Today I need motivation to get to the gym. Its so rainy here today and my day off, so I i really just want to sit around and be a bum. But I cant. I need to run! So I am linking up with for Oh, How pinteresting Wednesday for my motivation. 

source: via elsa on Pintrest

source: via elsa on Pintrest

source: uploadedbyuser via elsa on Pintrest

source: via elsa on Pintrest

Off to the gym I go!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday List

So this last past week wasn't too bad. It went by fast now that I think about it.

I did day one of the push up challenge and oh my goodness I was so sore for two days after, and that was just one day. I did have to put the challenge on hold. I have been having a pain in my breast bone, and because of previous health problems I needed to make sure that it had nothing to do with my sore muscles. I woke up this morning and my bone wasn't feeling right so I will be making a doctors appointment. I will start it up again this week.

I got my hair cut. I love it. Its always funny when I get a few inches chopped off, because I tend to forget when I comb my fingers through it. Oh, but its so healthy and soft now. I want to keep the dead ends off this time instead of waiting a whole year before another cut, so I made an appointment for six weeks from now.

Henry (my car) is back on the road again. 780 dollars later. 380 on road tax and 400 on the MOT and fixings. But I am glad to have it back. I was getting sick of walking everywhere. But I am broke now.

We got to go grocery shopping and we spent way to much money ... and we had to use our saving since Henry  ate up all the money in my account. But we got all kinds of good things. I didn't have time to look for any healthier recipes, but i did find some new snacks to munch on. We got a bag of carrots that I sliced into sticks. I don't mind eating them with no dips... that's what makes it not as healthy. And I got apples. I am partially allergic to apples. They make my tongue and gums itchy, but Ill deal. After grocery shopping we cleaned out our fridge... it was three trash bags full.

Hiro got to go on one walk last week. We took him to the shop on base. He eventually understood that if he didn't pull we would give him more leash to walk with. He just loves getting to check out all the people and places. He was a very happy boy after his walk.

Looking back at last week, I have to say, that it wasn't that bad of a week. And I want to make this week even better!

001. Week One of the push up challenge. 
I have to start all over this week. But I am looking forward to it. I will be recording it so at the end Ill have proof that i can do 100 push ups! I am so determined that its exciting!

002. Run a mile and a half.
I have been running a mile for a while now and that used to be a big deal like WOW I can finally run a mile. But I need to push it. I don't care if I have to run slower to make it.

003. Start working on additional saving.
I need to cut out all the little spending here and there. Since we wont have the military pay to rely on anymore we will need to have a nice savings. We have already met our first goal. But I want to start saving some of my pay too. 

004. Fewer energy drinks MORE WATER.
I rely on energy drinks way to much. I can drink up to 4 a day... and sometimes that's what i choose over water. So this week I want to cut out energy drinks. Drink more water. And maybe find a healthier way to wake up and stay energized. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I just finished watching Love and Other Drugs while editing my blog. Its slowly coming along. I keep adding things here and there. I like how its turning out. So bear with me while I put it together.

Why am I awake when I have work tomorrow. Well Ryan is doing volunteer work for AADD (airmen against drunk driving) since 930 so I've been killing time on here. I don't mind staying up late if it means I can go to bed with him.

I am so proud of Ryan. He was up for Airmen of the Quarter for all his hard work. He was very excited for this. Friday they found out who got it, Ryan unfortunately didn't get it. He is bummed that he didn't get it. But I believe just getting nominated is a big deal. He also might get an incentive flight. That is a big deal. Only a few people get one. So he has signed up for all sorts of volunteer work. Fingers crossed, I want him to get this opportunity so bad. Its not every day you get to take a ride in an F-15.

Since last week I have started to feel a bit better about things. I hope I can keep it up and get back on track with everything. I have been so exhausted that just moving took every bit of fiber in me to keep me going.

I can no longer focus, I am just too tired.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I need motivation to get me to the gym or to do a workout at home. I watch a daily Vlog by Katersoneseven and she has started working out. She wants the body of a warrior princess and shes has worked her butt off. She has become my biggest motivation. I have eight months (maybe less) before I head back home. I want people to say "hey shes back and looks good".

I want my arms looking just like hers. I am determined. So today i started my 100 push up challenge. GO ME!! I finished day one. Thursday ill do day two. And Saturday will be day three. I want to do it along with the day days i do muscle training. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are cardio days. 

Here's to me getting in shape and eating healthier! 

Monday, April 16, 2012

the start of a new week

It was payday weekend on base today and I work at the Commissary, so of course it was a terrible weekend. Saturday was "lets all be rude day". I was just so run down after that day, I almost had a break down. It was so hard for me to go back Sunday, but I made it and it was a much better day.

I am so thankful for my day off today. I went swimming with my friend first thing this morning. Jumping into the water made everything stressful float away. I am a terrible swimmer. I want to get better and each time I go I can do one lap extra.

I am going to make this week a much better week. And that starts with a haircut! I am so nervous and yet so excited. Yay!

Each Monday I make a list of things I want to accomplish through the week. Just some mini goals that help me stay productive and get things done. Then at the end of the week when I look back at it I have a better feeling of how it went, since eighty percent of my week is spent at work. 

001. Push Up Challenge week ONE
I found this challenge on Pintrest... where else 
I have never been able to do a push up for the life of me until a few weeks ago. I can finally do 12 ... but why stop at twelve i want to do a hundred!! Maybe i can beat my husband :]

002. Get a Hair cut! 
My hair is long, dead and heavy.

003. Get my car Henry back on the road again.
Once again this year my car has failed its MOT test. (a UK test on the car to make sure its safe for driving) I had to get a new headlight and a new wheel bearing.

004. Clean out my fridge and any bad food.
I have all sorts of bad junk and expired food that i need to clean out. Once my car gets back on the road i have to do a big grocery shop and id love to get some new healthy recipes.

005. Healthier Eating
I want to at least find two new healthier recipes or food to eat. Id really like to find snack alternatives because I have a bad habit of needed to snack while I watch TV.

006. Take Hiro (Mr. Fluffington) on more walks

Hes not the best dog to take on walks. He just gets to excited and wants to check everything out. So he pulls a lot. He gets better after walking for a bit but id love for him to walk nicely from the start.

Friday, April 13, 2012


11:00 pm
i dont want to go to bed and wake up to go to work tomorrow on pay day weekend. so here i am. im hopping that this will make life a bit more interesting and better while i make my way through the next 8ish months here in England and then were packing up and moving back home.
i need a new start. i need to stick with it. i need the reality of moving back home to sink in. i dont want to go home as the person i am now. as much as i wish i could just slip back into my old self from three yesrs ago, i know that i cant. i fear not fitting in at all. everyone as moved on with there lives where as i feel that i have had mine on hold.
since i can hardly hold my eyes open a moment longer. i am going to fall asleep to my classical radio station, and hope that my neighbor lady will stop smoking.... it drifts into my bedroom window... cough cough