Friday, April 27, 2012

Fridays Letters

Dear Friday, your not actually Friday.... your Monday. The past two days were my weekend. Back to work I go. Dear RAF Lakenheath Commissary, I no longer want to work for you. Your customers are ridiculous, and now that you have all new planagrams the customers are going to ask us where everything is now. You may pay very well, but your are running me down. Dear six day work week, WHY! I can hardly make it five days. And to make it even better, today and tomorrow I have 10 hour shifts. Why did I agree to this? OH right comp time. Dear job, I need to stop complaining about you. I am very thankful for having a job because we really need to save to move home. Oh and you pay oh so well. Dear Me, keep up the hard work. If you keep going to the gym and eating right you'll be happier and look good.

Dear Hiro, I love your fluffiness.You know how to give kisses and do cuddles. I love that every night after you have your dinner you grab your rope and want to play fetch. Dear Ryan, I am sorry that you are working 12 hours all week and weekend. So I made you your favorite, banana bread. Dear weekends, I miss you. I get an actual weekend every 5 to 8 weeks. I miss spending time with my husband. We never get to go places anymore. Or spend more than a few hours together during the week because our schedule's are opposite each other. Dear week, please go by fast.




  1. I found you through your Friday Letters link and am excited to be a new follower!

    I recently just got back into my workout routine after having a baby in December and it is making a huge difference in how I feel. Even just an hour a day can make the other 23 hours so much happier. Plus, I'm heading to Miami in a few weeks with my family, so that's certainly motivation to get my tush to the gym too!


  2. Aw how horrible that you have to work tomorrow, I hope it's a great day for you! And your little fluffy is just too cute!! :)

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  3. Hiro is SOOOOOOOO CUTE! HE is so poofy! I love it! And I am sorry you have to work so much, work is such a love/hate relationship -- I think everyone goes through it! Hope it goes quickly for you! thanks for linking up with me!


  4. I'm scared about having to seperate from my beloved pet too. Im moving soon and he might not be able to come with~ it's the saddest thought! Have a good work day!

  5. I love Mondays! It's the beginning of a new week! Then Tuesday hits and I'm not as cheery.
